Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Sentinel (1977) My First Must See for the Halloween Season

I fucked up and did not get a chance to post the first flick in my own 31 days of horror -it is Halloween time, and hey, everyone else is doing one so why not me?...lol

My first pick for October 1st is a crazy little fucked up movie. 1977's "The Sentinel" has that big budget feel one gets with a Polanski film, and like all of good old Roman's films "The Sentinel" moves a little slow as it sets up the the third act. But do yourself the favor and stay for the third act because it is something right of "Freaks" meets Clive Barker's "Nightbreed."

The movie follows fashion model, Alison Parker (Cristina Raines), as she moves into an apartment that happens to be inhabited (on the top floor) by a blind priest (John Carradine). Not long after moving in Alison begins having strange physical problems that causes her to have trouble sleeping at night. Also Alison is plagued by some nasty flashbacks of her attempted suicide that she attempted when she walked in on her father having sex with two other woman -neither being his wife. As time goes on living in the apartment Alison has strange interactions with neighbors and when she has finally has enough Alison complains to the real estate agent of the noise caused by her strange neighbors, but finds out that the house is only occupied by the priest and herself, and ultimately discovers that she has been put in the house for a reason.

So if you like 70's style Satan films then you should dig this one.

Until next time...

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