Since I had never had heard their music before and from the name of the CD as well as the cover art I was expecting something from the realms of Slayer or bands like them.
In fact I could have been more wrong with that perception.
What I did receive into my ears reminded me of something on par with a more techno savvy “DOG FASHION DISCO” meets “MINISTRY” meets old school “WHITE ZOMBIE”. And it was rather refreshing to hear something that wasn’t just another rip off of another bands’ sound. Like “ZOMBIE” “DEADNATION” uses a lot movie media as add ins or intros into songs -while I don’t mind the use of other media as filler it can be slightly over done- however, that is where the “ZOMBIE” coloration ends then turning into more melodic and upbeat (strangely enough) fast paced Industrial metal album that mixed a techno sound with some rap and while it can be a pain in the ass to blend those styles of music “DEADNATION” does it rather well with grooving it all together.
Some of the notables from “PREACHER OF OBSENITIES” are “DICK IN THE DIRT” and “BALZ IS DEAD”, two tracks I can see being played in the Industrial Dance Clubs like NEO; while some of the more dancy stuff really works some of their more bluesy stuff (“SHUT ME DOWN BLUES”) doesn’t come off as well, really slowing down the momentum of the rest of the tracks. And while the slower songs are slow they still have a hip vibe to them. I can see the last song on the disk (“COME ON, PUT IT!”) in some Tarantino style indie film.
If you are looking for some new for the car or looking fore something trippy at your next party you might want to check out “DEADNATION”.
Three and a half severed heads out four on the old rating scale.
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