Thursday, August 9, 2012

"Eddie,The Sleepwalking Cannibal" Gets Distribution

Chicago-based Music Box Films looks to have picked up the distribution rights of the cannibalistic comedy film “Eddie, The Sleepwalking Cannibal”.

For those of you who don’t know about this, the film follows a once celebrity artist, Lars Olafssen, who is slipping into the realms of has -been and with a ungracefully aging hipster for an art dealer who doesn’t want his meal ticket to end, and a metal problem that keeps Lars from painting, it’s no surprise that his career is in shambles. It seems Lars’ creativity comes at a high cost to him as his inspiration is of carnage: Blood & guts & limbs and shit, all of which lead to a breakdown of Lars so he no longer paints. (Not a good thing if you want to a living that way) None-the-less, Ronny the Art Dealer arranges a teaching gig for Lars at a school in a small Canadian town in the middle of nowhere hoping it will be the "therapeutic” means to an end of Lars’ problem. While there Lars befriend a student named Eddie who suffers from a strange -and rare- form of sleepwalking that turns Eddie into a ravenous cannibal craving fresh meat. Is this the thing that Lars needs to spur on his creativity? Because, truly great art always comes at a high price, and Lars’ price looks to be sacrificing lives of the residents of Koda Lake.

At the moment there is no release date “Eddie” or if it’s going to go straight to DVD (which will probably be the case). However, it is making the rounds of the film festivals so if you have a chance to grab a seat I say take it.

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