We’re Ravenous About Horror. Anything Horror. Movies, Books, Toys, Comics, Art, and Places. We’ll review it all and give our opinion on what we think.
Saturday, October 12, 2013
31 Days 31 31 Picks Trick Or Treat ( FULL MOVIE 1986) by Kas-g
Aaahhh, the horrors of playing your favorite heavy metal album backwards, something that kids today CAN NOT do.
Taken from the scourge of the 1980's Big Brother watch-dog groups the likes of which of Tipper Gore's (Al's wifey-poo) PMRC and the ever popular TV Evangelists (when they weren't throwing lavish sex parties... yes that means you Jim and Tammy Faye) when they would prowl Dateline type shows and Current Affair television (think E! News or that of Access Hollywood to know what the fuck I'm talking about), 1986's "Trick Or Treat" follows the poor outcast teenager Eddie Weinbaur after he learns of the demise of his fav heavy metal dude Sammi Curr.
Completely devastated, Eddie goes to his friend "Nuke" (Gene Simmons), a radio DJ who knew Sammi Curr personally. To take Eddie's mind off the death of his idol, Nuke gives Eddie the only copy of Curr's last and only unreleased album, "Songs in the Key of Death", on an acetate disc (Unlike ordinary vinyl records, which are quickly formed from lumps of plastic by a mass-production molding process, a so-called acetate disc is created by using a recording lathe to cut an audio-signal-modulated groove into the surface of a special lacquer-coated blank disc, a real-time operation requiring expensive, delicate equipment and expert skill for good results. They are made for special purposes, almost never for sale to the general public. They can be played on any normal record player but will suffer from wear more quickly than vinyl. Some acetates are highly prized for their rarity, especially when they contain unpublished material). Nuke plans to play the album in its entirety on-air at midnight on Halloween as tribute, since according to Nuke, that was always Sammi's plan for the album's debut.
Once back home, Eddie falls asleep listening to the record and has a strange dream about the fire that killed Sammi Curr. When he wakes up he finds that the record is skipping and after listening to it for a few seconds he comes to realize that there is something not right about the words the record is stuck on. Having previous experience with hidden lyrics, Eddie plays the record backwards but receives more than he imagined: Sammi Curr speaking to him from beyond the grave.
Of course only things can go wrong from here... lol... Along with Gene, look for Ozzie playing a priest on TV news.
Until Next time...
Monday, October 7, 2013
31 Days 31 Picks Sleepaway Camp (1983) [UNCUT] [HD] Full Movie
The 1980's spawned a plethora of wannabe 'Friday the 13th' films and 'Sleepaway Camp' is no different.
'Sleepaway Camp' follows the story of an introverted teen girl, Angela Baker, struggling with her self identity --in more ways than one. Angela's father and brother were killed in a strange boating accident when she was a young girl. Since Angela is so painfully shy she is sent to camp to possibly open her up emotionally. However things start to go horribly wrong after her arrival with an ending that needs to be seen.
Until next time...
Sunday, October 6, 2013
A story about a girl and her... um... overly hungry private area... lol
Dawn O’Keefe attends the group and is the spokes person for the Christian abstinence group called The Promise. One evening after giving a speech about the purity ring worn by members of the group, she is introduced to Tobey and finds him attractive. Dawn has fantasies about marrying Tobey, although after acknowledging the attraction, they agree that they cannot spend time together. Soon after they give in and meet at a local swimming hole. After swimming together, they go in to a cave to get warm and begin kissing. Dawn gets uncomfortable and tries to get them to go back. Tobey then attempts to rape Dawn, who panics and tries to push him off. Tobey becomes aggressive and shakes Dawn, resulting in her smacking her head on the ground. While she is dazed, Tobey takes the opportunity to begin raping her. Dawn fights back and inadvertently bites off his penis with her vagina.
And that's just the beginning... lol
How can on go wrong with a film about Vagina dentata?
Until next time... maybe you should keep it in your pants.
Saturday, October 5, 2013
31 Days 31 Picks Sinister - Official Trailer [HD]
Down on his luck true-crime writer Ellison Oswalt (Ethan Hawke) has decided that too chase the brass ring of success then one most put it all on the line. But Ellison had no idea that what "putting it all on the line" entailed.
"Sinister" opens with footage from a Super 8 camera depicting a family of four standing beneath a tree with hoods over their heads and nooses around their necks as an unseen figure saws through a limb that is acting as a counterweight. The branch lets go and hangs the foursome
Months later, enter washed-up true-crime writer Ellison Oswalt as he moves his family into the murdered family's home. Only Ellison, however, is aware that the house was the crime scene. Ellison intends to use the murders as the basis for his new book, in hopes that his research will turn up the fate of the family's fifth member, a little girl named Stephanie who disappeared following the murders.
Ellison finds a box in the attic that contains a projector and several reels of Standard 8 mm footage that are each labeled as innocent home movies. Watching the films, Ellison discovers that they are snuff movies depicting families being murdered in various ways: having their throats slit in bed (Sleepy Time '98), being burnt to death in a car (BBQ '79), being drowned in their pool (Pool Party '66), being run over by a lawn mower (Lawn Work '86), and the hanging that opened the movie (Family Hanging Out '11). The drowning film proves especially disturbing for Ellison after he notices the face of a demonic figure watching the drownings from the bottom of the pool. Ellison eventually finds the figure observing the murders in each of the films, along with a strange painted symbol; inspecting the lid of the box containing the films, Ellison discovers childish drawings depicting the murders, along with crude sketches of the demonic figure, identified as "Mr. Boogie." Consulting a local deputy (James Ransone), Ellison discovers that the murders depicted in the films took place at different times, beginning in the 1960s, and in different cities across the country. He also learns that the families were all drugged before being killed; and that a child from each family went missing following every murder. The deputy refers Ellison to a local professor, Jonas (Vincent D'Onofrio), whose expertise is the occult and demonic phenomena, to decipher the symbol in the films. Jonas tells Ellison that the symbols are that of a pagan Sumerian deity named Bughuul (Nick King), who would kill entire families so that he could take their children into his realm and consume their souls
Friday, October 4, 2013
31 Days 31 Picks Jug Face Official Trailer 1 (2013) - Horror Movie HD
The best way to describe "Jug Face" is that it's part "Deliverance", Part "Wicker Man" (the good version. Not that fucked up shit pile that Nic Cage was in).
"Jug Face" tells the story of a pregnant teen trying to escape a backwoods community when she discovers that she may be sacrificed to a creature in a pit. What else needs to be said?
Until next time...
Thursday, October 3, 2013
31 Days 31 Picks Rabid (1977) trailer
Rabid shuffled onto the circuit in 1977. Directed by a relatively unkown David Cronenberg (fresh of off "Shivers") and starring a post-porno Marilyn Chambers, this up-to-par zombie flick is a fast-paced and enjoyable thrill ride released by the great (and defunct) New World pictures. David Cronenberg hit the ticket with this, though. His next pic was the successful mind trip "Videodrome"
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
31 Days 31 Picks: Dario Argento's DEMONS (1985)
You can't have a Halloween movie list without adding one of the Italian masters of the genre of horror in the name of Dario Argento. Argento is by far one of the greats.
This installment of "31 Picks 31 Days" is the 1985 film "Demons".
Demons follows a group of people that are trapped in a large movie theater in West Berlin which, unfortunately, is infected by ravenous demons who proceed to kill and then posses the humans one-by-one, thereby multiplying their numbers.
As the group of uninfected race to any exit they can find --only to find that they have all been bricked up-- they attempt to barricade themselves in the balcony. One of the demons, however, escapes into the city when a group of punk rockers break's into the building. Allowing the demonic infection has spread throughout the city of Berlin.
Shades of the Spanish films "REC" anyone?
Until Next Time...
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
31 Days 31 Picks -World War Z TRAILER 2 (2013)
It's that time of the year again when the weather begins to cool, the leaves begin to change color and fall to the ground. And when we get to this time of the year our minds start to wonder. Not about gum drops and sugar plus or even that of Santa Claus, no, we start to think about what lurks in the ever growing, ever lasting, darkness.
Yes it's that time of the year when the spooks come out and play havoc with out sanity.
And yes it's that time of the year for our annual 31 Days 31 Picks. 31 horror flicks to make you think about what lies just outside the door; inside the closet; under the bed.
This year we kick off the Halloween season with "World War Z".
I was originally looking forward to this big budget action zombie yarn, having read the book I was curious to see how they did it. (Don't worry fans of the book, other than the name it's a completely different story) But then the stories came out about it being WAY over budget and problems on the set and all the script rewrites. Then I heard that the third act was a disaster.
Some how Brad Pitt soldiered through, bringing in yet another new writer just to rewrite the ending, and, boy, am I glad they did. The new ending --the one in the film-- works FAR better than the one I had read about. And in the end "World War Z" is a half way descent zombie flick in a market that is saturated with zombies. Not great, but well worth a watch.
Monday, September 30, 2013
The Devil's Contract - Horror Short Film 2013
I have saved the Devil for last with "The Devil's Contract" "The Devil's Contract" is an aged old story that fame whores are notorious for. This time around a young aspiring rapper who wants to be famous get's exactly what he wants, however, there is a price to pay. Will he have a chance to change his life?
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Spirit Within -Horror Short Film for the Halloween Build Up
Poor, poor, Katie. While Katie is babysitting she is haunted by a demonic African statue --shades of "Trilogy of Terror" & "Black Devil Doll". Or is it that Katie's mind is just playing tricks on her. You Decide....
Saturday, September 28, 2013
The Ghost - Horror Short Film for Your Gear up to the Halloween Season
"Ghost" is a short experimental horror film, made with Olah Markus Films association with M.V.B. Films. Inspired from a true story or legend as we say here, from a small village in the middle of Transylvania. The story was a little changed just to do an experiment putting together old with new. Hopefully we can make another volume lets cross our fingers.
Friday, September 27, 2013
Red Balloon 2010 Short Horror movie
Take a trip upon the Red Balloon as a young Babysitter is disturbed several times one evening by a little girl she is baby sitting as she finds her screaming and standing up on her bed. The babysitter, however, puts her back to bed and tells her that it's just a nightmare, however, the babysitter fails too realize that the nightmare has just begun.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Samson (Short Horror/Slasher Film) Another Film for Your Halloween Gear up
Two girls make the bad decision to head into the woods and seek out the location where some brutal murders occurred years before and were possibly committed by a local legend known only as Samson.
But once inside the woods the girls soon discover that Samson may not be JUST a legend.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Bloody Cuts has made the list before and for good reason: They do horror well.
Set on one fateful night, six friends gather for their monthly 'games night'... and accidentally unleash a demonic force that might tear them - and their friendships - to pieces.
Until Next Time...
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
VICTIM - Award Winning Short Horror Film (Based on Slender Man)
"Victim" is based around a teenage boy who finds himself being stalked by the mythical being 'Slender Man' over a period of days. It has been heavily inspired by the game 'Slender' by Parsec Productions, as well as many Horror Films I have been influenced by.
Monday, September 23, 2013
THE HOUSE -Horror Short (Supernatural) for the Gear Up to Halloween
Sometimes it doesn't take a ton cash to make a half way descent film. "The House" was made for just $300 and it is pretty well done.
Some dreams should not be followed. When the line between reality and dream blurs, sometimes it is better to walk away. After all, the proverbial cat would have been just fine except for its penchant for curiosity. Happening past a house she's seen in her dreams for months, Cynthia isn't sure why she feels so compelled to find out what it means. But as she enters the doorway, she has no choice but to search further. Will she finally find peace or a more menacing truth that casts aside the light to reveal only a more forbidding darkness?
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Stay Out Of The Woods - Horror Short directed by Albert Gonzalez
Sometimes you just need to lisetn to your friend when they say STAY OUT OF THE WOODS, especially when it's the film's title... lol
Until Next Time...
Saturday, September 21, 2013
DOLLFACE - Horror Short to Gear Up for Halloween
Sometimes it just doesn't pay to play good humanitarian and returned things dropped on the door step but weird trick-r-treaters. So remember that this Halloween when they come knocking at your door.
Until next time...
Friday, September 20, 2013
Babysitter Wanted- Horror Short for the Halloween Gear up
Thanks to John Carpenter and his classic horror film "Halloween" and the slew of spin-offs being a baby sitter hasn't been on top of many people's (especially teenage girls) lists of must have jobs.
So "Babysitter Wanted" is for all of you.
Until next time...
Thursday, September 19, 2013
The Clown Doll -Horror Short for Your Gear up to Halloween
I don't know what it is but Clowns seem to fuck with people. So this little diddy is for all of you that are not only afraid of circus staple but for those of you who are afraid of the might time intruder...
Until next time... make sure you lock all your doors.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Mannequin (2013) - Horror Short to Gear Up for Halloween
I like these kind of stories. One that are grounded in reality. I don't know how many people I know that are scared of mannequins for whatever the reason, like clowns, that just seem to grab some psyches. Whatever the case this one is for them.
So remember when you take that next trip to the trash, keep an eye out... lol
Until next time...
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
"Fear of the Living Dead" -Today's Horror Short as We gear Up for Halloween
Today's pick for our Halloween gear is the zombie gore fest "Fear of the Living Dead" An intense and gore-filled tale that zombie and horror film lovers will enjoy! Our picks up two weeks after the zombies took over, and goes for broke as we follow our hero as attempts to stay alive in the world of the dead. This is the YouTube Edit, about a minute and a half shorter than the DVD version.
31 Days 31 Picks,
Flesh Eating,
zombie fiction,
zombie movies,
Location:Under the Bridge where the Trolls live
Chicago, IL, USA
Monday, September 16, 2013
'Daddy's Girl' Today's Horror Short Pick
Today's horror short pick for Cannibalistic Rage Babies' gear up for Halloween is "Daddy's Girl". Nominated for 7 awards Winner of 3 awards
Daddy's Girl is based on a young girl who loves her dad, doesn't like her mother and finds herself being drawn to a mysterious house and a box. In tow, she has her little brother who loves his mom and hopes his dad is some where being tortured.
Daddy's little girl awakens a curse or is it her birth right inside of this house or is the house really the doorway to hell?
She soon proves that she is truly Daddy's Girl.
horror films,
horror lit,
Horror Shorts,
Location:Under the Bridge where the Trolls live
Chicago, IL, USA
Sunday, September 15, 2013
"Vanished" Today's Horror Short gear up for Halloween
Today's pick for our Halloween gear up is the short "Vanished"
Vanished is the story of a young couple who encounter something......other worldly on a weekend getaway in the woods of Maine. Is it a ghost? spirit? or something much much more sinister?
31 Days 31 Picks,
horror films,
Horror movies,
Horror Shorts,
Those Who KIll,
Location:Under the Bridge where the Trolls live
Chicago, IL, USA
Saturday, September 14, 2013
"Mother Died" - short horror film (Bloody Cuts)
As Macy's and Kmart gear up the Christmas season (and it's only fucking September) my cannibalistic babies and I think, well, why we gear up as well. Not for fucking Christmas but for the holiday that we always looked forward too: Halloween.
So with that said, I think we here at Cannibalistic Rage Babies are going to start counting up to our annual 31 Days, 31 Picks for October with our Horror Short collection. Today we are going to start with with the good old fashion zombie apocalypse entitled "Mother Died".
Until next time... stay scared.
Friday, September 13, 2013
Open Windows: Preview
Computer stalking seems too be the new rage in horror and thriller films. And who can blame producers with whole Snowden; NSA, Big Brother scandal that has rocked the world these last few months.
Will replace the ever popular POV style of horror the likes-of-which and the long running "Paranormal Activity" spin-offs? I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Me, however, I think --while some are well done-- can live without the next POV style, found footage flick.
Until next time. Until then check out the trailer for "Open Windows" which stars Sasha Grey and Elijah Wood.
Monday, August 19, 2013
Is it High Time to Stake "True Blood?"
Now, with that said and out of the way...
Problem 1) Season 6 is the shortest of all seasons. Coming at a 10 episode count rather than the traditional 12.
Problem 2) Lame death scenes of both supposed strong characters and major ones.
Problem 3) A finale that seemed disjointed.
Problem 4) Lame side stories. One that didn’t make much sense.
I’ll tackle problem 4 first.
The whole storyline that centered around Terry Bellefleur (Todd Lowe) and his quest to die. It was boring and really never fit the show. The whole back and forth in episode 9 where the action went from when Eric was freeing the camp to flash to Terry’s funeral that contained flashbacks from his life. In reality both events should been their own episode. The distraction of Eric and the camp took away any emotional value the showrunners were trying to capture. If anything they should killed off Terry at the end of season 5. I know the thought process behind the closed doors at HBO figured that we the viewers would see that was going to happen a mile away and that Terry’s death would've been more shocking this season. But in the end I found it rushed and a distraction.
Then we have the whole Alcide (Joe Manganiello) storyline that didn’t make much of any sense.
And lets not get into the whole grandpa Faery Niall Brigant (Rutger Hauer) storyline. What a waste.
When it comes to Problem 2 and the LAME DEATHS we have to think that when Reverend Newlin (Michael McMillian) has the best supernatural death then we have a real problem. Especially when it is pretty clear that the show has killed off it’s most popular character in that of Eric Northman (Alexander Skarsguard). Or that of the all powerful 5500 year old Vampire that is and was Warlow aka Ben Flynn (Robert Kazinsky).
In a world that is set not only in sex but in blood and gore then one would think that when you kill off characters that are pivotal to the story you would make them somewhat good and dramatic. Despite the supernatural premise, “True Blood” is still a soap opera in a sense.
Is it enough to make want and wait until next June? I don’t know, maybe. But after the disappointing end to an otherwise decent season I am in no hurry to get back to “True Blood” anytime soon.
Until Next Time...
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